Explaining Law of Attraction in my Terms

In this concept, Author said that if you think about something, this thing will happen in real-world also and this process is known as the law of attraction. You believe it or not, but it’s happening every day like sometimes we have fear about something and we think about it constantly and many times happened that those fear was going to become true.
This law follows three Steps:-
1. Ask:- whatever thing you want, Just ask and request those things to the nature.
2. Believe:- Whatever thing you request or ask, Just start believing that you have already achieved it, Try to imagine every day by thinking about whatever you wish and ask or request it completed already in your dream and brain.
3. Receive:-And finally it will receive after some time .but we don’t know how much time it takes.
But According To me this law is nothing but it is your positive willingness towards achieving the final goal.
I am explaining these three steps of law in my terms:-
1. Think: when you think about what you want then you are deciding your endpoint or destination. In our brain, many thoughts are running and when you give some endpoint then our brain works like a problem-solving system. Our brain starts finding all thoughts in our mind related to these destinations. If you think about anything just like I want to achieve promotion in Job. then you get some endpoint. then you think about that many times. your brain is the biggest processor which tries to solve this problem .brain search nearby all situations and try to find such a positive situation that can make this possible or increase step of possibilities.
2. Work:- When we start believing in whatever we think, it will happen in real also then our brain starts giving suggestion-related situations which increase the chances of make it happen in real. so, an abcourse we need to work for it, work on suggestions given by the brain. one more thing is when you believe and have a positive approach towards anything it will give you the power to open your brain, it helps your brain to focus. It’s the same thing if we decide destination then it’s easy to go towards it. so it gives you a clear vision.
3. Get: finally, You will be going to get it by your positive attitude and your genius brain way of thinking.